Friday, November 28, 2008

Damrosch L!brary Adopts an Orangutan from the World Wildlife Fund

The only great apes found in Asia, orangutans are found only in the lowland forests of Borneo and Sumatra in Southeast Asia. With 60 percent of their diet consisting of fruit, protection of orangutans’ habitat is vital. Sadly, the lowland forest habitats of these apes are disappearing quickly due to logging and deliberate burning to make way for agriculture and palm oil plantations. WWF and our partners are working to make sure these unique great apes are conserved in well-managed, secure, protected areas, and in wilder forest landscapes connected by corridors.

The plush toy and the adoption certificate.

Orangutan rescueFrom a book in our new library collection, Orangutan Rescue by Dougal Dixon: A photo-illustrated story about a young orangutan named Chang, who is taken out of the forest by poachers and, with some help, finds his way back to the wild. Includes a fact file and a glossary.

We have now adopted one each of the great apes.


Dataman said...

My daughter would love to read this book! I know that many of our students will want too also!

Patricia A. Sarles, MA, MLS, MSEd said...

Great! You can borrow it for her! And whatever else she would love to read.